Large 2 Storey Zinc Clad Extension, Balcony and Landscaping – Dalgety Bay Fife
This project brief was to design a spectacular contemporary space for a living room, dance studio and cinema space on the waterfront in Dalgety Bay. The clients were keen to utilise modern forms and materials to make the most of the amazing views across to Edinburgh.
The location of the site on a steep slope with minimal access points made the project management of the build itself very challenging as it had to be millimetre perfect! The massive steel frame was erected onsite after being craned into place. The exterior was covered in zinc which will naturally change in texture and colour as it matures in this seaside location creating a beautiful bespoke finish. The outside areas around the extension were designed to make much more of the very steep garden grounds by creating a more usable terraced space to play table tennis, relax and enjoy the views out to the Forth. Tremendous!